Sanghya Janani | সঙ্ঘ জননী | संघ जाननी

Ensuring her holy descent in mortal frame as daughter of late Sukesh Bandopadhyay , as father and Parimal Basini Debi, as mother , in the year 1941, that is, on 6th of Boishakh ,1348 ( in Bengali Calendar ) , in Ranaghat sub division ,Dist Nadia ,west Bengal , our revered Spiritual mother , Maa Jahura , slowly manifested within her Self her unique spiritual sense of cosmic philanthropy .This unique feeling prompted her from her early childhood days to shower motherly love toward all suffering Humanity, irrespective of caste creed and colour .

Our revered Mother 's early formal schooling started at Hemnalini Balika Vidyalaya, in the vicinity of Mother's parental house in Nasarapara, Ranaghat.

Respected Manimala Di was the headmistress of the children's school. Manimala Di and all Other teachers loved Mother from the core of their heart.

Besides some basic traditional formal education Mother was more attracted towards humanistic principles of nobler learning.

Loving everybody from the core of her heart and feeling concerned in their needs and distresses demanded her greater attention. And everybody, her friends, her teachers and all in the locality was moved a lot by the noble gestures of our mother. In their later life many of them became the devotees and votaries our revered Maa Jahura.

Our revered divine Mother could realise truly that the root cause of all our mortal sorrows and sufferings lie in our getting engrossed in material desires to the extent of feeling unconcerned about discharging our basic social responsibilities towards the poor, the socially handicapped and materially deprived sections in our society.

Revered Mother made us feel that God exists in all human beings and, particularly, in the suffering humanity. And by offering our self- effacing services to the suffering humanity we can render true worship to the Divine. Again, she said in her Vani (holy utterance) "True religion and spirituality lies not in observing certain rituals only. Find God in man and by serving them in their distress you will realise the essence of spirituality."

The more the people listened to the inspiring words of Divine Mother Jahura the more they got motivated in practicing them in their life. Divine Mother made us feel all the more, the need for consolidating our services to the needy, the suffering and the destitute. She reached distant places and made herself present amidst innumerable inspired families and made them realise the excellence of 'Ananda' (feeling of biss) in following the noble preaching of Divine Mother.

The inspired devoted followers of the Divine Mother Jahura whom, the devoted followers addressed a with profound devotion as 'Maa Janani', felt from the core of their heart the need for founding a structured Organisation or Association. The devoted followers unanimously decided upon the name of the Association as ' Maa Jahura Divyalok.' And a formal structured Constitution was framed and accepted unanimously by the constituent assembly of members. Revered Mother Jahura, Shrimati Bijanshree Banerjee, was accepted as the Founder of the Association, and under her direct supervision and guidance, her devotees, followers and disciples have assembled under the banner of Maa Jahura Divyalok to raise the human race to a higher moral, spiritual and cultural level of everyday existence.

The main prop of our spirituous-philanthropic Association lies in the three basic principles, namely, Equality, Unity and Solidarity which in Sanskrit stands as Samata ', Samhati and Samannya'.

Maa Jahura Divyalok is not at all a platform for preaching any religious dogma,or upholding any so called cult figure or any meticulously ritual-oriented obscurantist Faith. Rather it embraces the most sacred and most humanistic approaches of all prevalent religious faiths and spiritual manifestos.

Leaving behind Her holy mantle of mortal existence, our most revered and beloved Mother Jahura , the Sangha Janani of the Association, Maa Jahura Divyalok , left us , Her devotee children and followers,for her heavenly abode ,at 8.30 in the Morning of the 5th of July ,2021,a Monday.

বানী মঞ্জরী | Baani Manjari | वाणी मंजरी

Bani Manjari 2023.pdf